Monday, December 14, 2015
I've always wanted to have my own pair of Adidas Superstar. But "ugh" the price!!I had to save to get this (procrastination sucks!!). Now, I'm grinning from ear to ear because I finally get to wear one!! Yey!! Early Christmas for me!! ;) They are perfectly simple with an edgy touch. Really suitable for the current mode and fashion trends.
So this is how I style my Superstar: Ripped jeans ( Forever 21 Men ), striped chambray polo ( Giordano ), I accented it with a bit of a class, a gold watch from Casio. All in light palette, so it would look chill and breezy. It literally transcribed what I've been feeling this day; easy and positive.
What about you? How do you style your Adidas Superstar? Let me know by commenting your picture below! Thank you! -TTN

Photos taken by Apple Bang and Ish Valerio